Инстаграм Малин Андерссон (Malin Andersson)

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Sending you so much love and stillness if you resonate ????
04/30/2024 07:36
04/18/2024 06:41
Been feeling weirdly low this week.. well not weird but a lot of processing of supressed childhood memories in therapy… I always know the days after a deep meditation or insights or even a hard therapy session my body wants to release that trauma so it’s not stuck anymore and can catch up with my mind.But sometimes it’s so hard. I felt like isolating myself this week but my bestie @full.of.tenacity took me and Xaya on a trip to the seaside where she grew up. Even though I felt disassociated at times it was nice to get out.. as the more my mind expands and I heal, at the minute the more lonelier I am and feel like staying at home - definitely as the universe releases people and things that don’t belong anymore.. it can be a very lonely place to be. I hope this passes soon.. undoing everything that was - seems never ending ????
04/06/2024 11:48
HOW DO WE HEAL #1I’ll be doing a series on this. We need answers and we need to know how to go inwards in order to unlock our authentic selves and consciousness that’s there waiting for us - in a world where we are told to look outside of ourselves.. that really isn’t the answer.
03/24/2024 01:16
12/13/2023 05:00
11/29/2023 02:13
11/17/2023 09:01
I’ll always advocate for Mumma’s but my heart especially single mums. It’s so hard out here sometimes. ????????????
11/05/2023 11:13