Инстаграм Мадонна (Madonna)

19,3 млн. подписчиков 80 публикаций
When you’re feeling down, go to Monsieur. ????????
01/21/2025 06:50
Thank you, Japan for The most Magical and Inspiring experience with the ones I love! A beautiful way to start the New Year! ????????????????????♥️⛩️#ryuichisakamoto
01/07/2025 05:58
Konbanwa ????
12/30/2024 02:45
Working on new music with Stuart Price. these past few months has been medicine for my SOUL. Songwriting and making music is the one area where I don’t need to ask anyone for their permission.. i’m so excited to share it with you. Who wants to hear new music in 2025! ????????????????
12/16/2024 05:56
We are born into families and we create our own. As time goes by I am more and more appreciative of these microcosms of life that Dance around me and teach me lessons every day. My Family has experienced many losses this year. My father has endured with Dignity. Watching him cry in the cemetery when we buried my brother Christopher -right after he lost his wife. Was a moment I will never forget. Spending time with him and all my children on Thanksgiving was Medicine for the Soul. ????????
12/02/2024 05:28
After struggling for days in LA , listening to producers and agents Tell me why I couldn’t makemy film —I(been working on it for 4 years!!!) downsize-down scale -think smaller-they say—I realized that everything in my life is going to be challenged. No easy rides for me. I guess I should be grateful.. It forces me to think outside the box. I did not have a normal life. I cannot make this in the normal way.Spending time with my creative friends was just the fuel I needed to keep going! We all agreed that we need to be even more fearless!!! Art =Survival We cannot shrink and make ourselves smaller.If you want something badly enough in life— the whole universe will conspire to hel you get it. Should I make the story of my life into a series or a feature Film. ????????‍♀️ Think before you answer !!
11/18/2024 05:12
I woke up this morning and the first thought that came to my head was-America hates Women! - Not that I haven’t always felt the wrath of misogyny breathing down my neck.I walked downstairs to my daughter’s classroom . They are being homeschooled - they were taking a science test. I hugged them both and I started to cry . They are so upset about the elections and they are 12!! They are adopted from Malawi. Will they be considered Vermin by the government as well? But it’s not just women that America hates. They straight up hate Freedom. They want lower taxes, but they don’t mind if they live in a Totalitarian government to get them. I don’t want to let go of our democracy!! Now we will all have to fight even harder to hang onto it. Americans who voted for Trump or didn’t vote at all- showed that many people are OK with a dictatorship to take over . I don’t want my friends that are not naturally born Americans to live in internment camps.!! I want my daughters and all of their friends to have agency over their bodies!! . To feel valued. Not like second-class.citizens. How could women vote for Trump? We fought for so long for so much! What are we going to do with our feelings of disappointment?The universe is telling us that we have to spend the next four years fighting for our freedom !!! Are you prepared to fight? Critical thinking and getting involved in our community is needed. Be prepared to fight for your freedom Be prepared to fight for your life ! I’m not giving up hope . Are you with Me? ????
11/08/2024 05:50
Paris was so FUN! ???????? . It was hard to leave, but I had. to come home.toV.O.T.E. ???????????????? @kamalaharris For. President!!!! ♥️
10/31/2024 04:40