Инстаграм Кэйт Бэкинсэйл (Kate Beckinsale)

5,6 млн. подписчиков 713 публикаций
All the good old things ???? #stevebent
07/19/2024 05:21
Well done England and everyone who wants to come on my page and go Spain is going to win just give us this moment. It’s really bad karma to piss on peoples joy and thank you to everyone from other European countries wishing us well. You have been so supportive and amazing and I think that’s just such good sportsmanship but fuck me lads it might be coming home.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? #westillbelieve
07/10/2024 09:30
Fly high my best angel on your one year anniversary. Oh my heart Clive I miss you . Not a soul like you. Love of my life ????
06/12/2024 11:47
Ok so this first video isn’t me and Clive but MY GOD we would have smashed it. @pngcats.Entering the month he died ,my heart is full,as it always is, of the extraordinarily deep love we had for each other . Months later I said to my mum - “He just looked at me all the time -he just wanted to do what I was doing, whatever dumb shit I was getting up to,he just wanted to be involved, but his eyes were on me all the time with this look of absolutely benign, utterly kind ,safe,interested, fascinated, reciprocated adoration -and no one is ever going to look at me like that again,” and my mum said -“Richard, your dad used to look at you like that,”-which obviously set off another round of sobbing. I’m lucky to have had two pairs of eyes look at me like that in my life but fucking hell I miss them. My gentle men x
06/01/2024 11:05
Just look at the difference some unsuspecting but instantly game ragazzi make #shaddapyouface ???????????????????????? #forzaazzurri
05/17/2024 06:07
You burn in my heart , uncompromising radical king who didn’t have to raise me , but did x
05/08/2024 11:31
Well. Fitness used to be my passion…..
04/19/2024 01:04
Happy Easter ????????????
03/31/2024 04:30