Инстаграм Ченнинг Татум (Channing Tatum)

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This is gonna be the first of many. So get ready. This is Naomi and i having our first meeting to talk about character. This movie is such a complex balance. We had to trust each other implicitly. You sort of need/have to Trust your partner in every film. But this one is was exceptionally important For so many reasons. I can’t wait for you guys to see this young woman and the acting beast that she is. I think we did something really special. #blinktwicemovie
07/17/2024 07:09
@diane_keaton if you see this please DM @channingtatum!
07/08/2024 04:19
I love taking pictures. And when you are on set of a movie in 1968 they make for great f-i g images.
06/26/2024 08:08
Took my Polaroid obsession to a new level. #BlinkTwiceMovie #AUGUST23
06/03/2024 05:27
Took this on jump street 2. Just re found it. I like it.
05/25/2024 10:20
We love ourselves a renaissance fair. She said she wanted her character to be pirate assassin. I said, say less… not sure what i was other than a ghostly figure. Also dunked the clown in the water twice. They just talk so much shit! I was super proud.hehe Still got some left in the arm i guess. ???? thanks Ren fair!! Full disclosure she has a hidden dagger in a hidden dress pocket. She felt so cool. lol.
05/10/2024 01:05
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do…#BlinkTwiceMovie #August23
04/23/2024 04:00
The whole world will be watching. #FlyMeToTheMoon – coming exclusively to movie theaters this July.
04/08/2024 02:03

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