Инстаграм Милла Йовович (Milla Jovovich)

4,6 млн. подписчиков 1,7 тыс. публикаций
Happy Birthday to my amazing husband! Paul you are the sun and the moon in all our lives. You are the ground that keeps us safe, you are the stars that keep us lit up in wonder at what an incredible man we have in our lives that gives us so much unconditional love. Your little ladies are so lucky to have you and you big mama too???? I love you SO MUCH!! Thank you for being everything to me!❤️❤️❤️
03/04/2024 08:55
02/11/2024 06:25
02/03/2024 06:16
01/19/2024 10:55
12/29/2023 10:40
12/17/2023 06:05
11/03/2023 03:22
What happened in Israel on Oct. 7th is inexcusable and horrible beyond comprehension. The response has been inexcusable and horrible beyond comprehension as well. We need a #ceasefirenow
10/27/2023 03:22